
6 Figure Trucking

You’re only one decision away from $150k (6 Figure Entrepreneur)

Do you want to earn a 6-figure income by becoming a trucker? Do you want to be an entrepreneur, be financially independent and secure a bright future for your family? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, download free chapter....

Meet the author Maurice Sanders

Maurice Sanders is a serial entrepreneur. He is an eternal optimist and has a knack for adventure. Having seen his fair share of ups and downs in life, he continues to develop businesses and jumpstart new ventures.

What’s Inside ?

To be a trucking entrepreneur is challenging, which means it's a 24-hour job. By doing your homework and acquiring the necessary skills means that you would save yourself from any unforeseen circumstances. There’s a proven process behind becoming a successful trucking entrepreneur and once you know that, you won’t have to worry about not having enough money or falling behind your bill payments.

  • Getting an in-depth overview of the trucking industry
  • Securing all the necessary licenses
  • Planning the beginning part of your journey
  • The do’s and don’ts of owning your trucking company
  • Finding clients and negotiating better rates
  • Ensuring that your paperwork is in order and you’re compliant
  • Completing your drug tests
  • ….. And much more!

6 Figure Trucking

You’re only one decision away from $150k (6 Figure Entrepreneur)

As a free bonus, you’ll get access to the chapter of surviving your first year in the business and establishing yourself as a competent and trusted player. New entrepreneurs can go out of business and it’s usually because they didn’t learn the process or weren’t diligent in applying their skills. But being disciplined and following a proven system to deliver results will make a world of difference and it’s so simple to follow that even a caveman could do it.